Whether you’re spraying at home or for a business, a battery-powered sprayer can make spraying liquid chemicals easy and fast.  Pump sprayers are valuable tools for homeowners and professionals, but spraying over a large area with a pump sprayer can be tiring. Battery-powered sprayers eliminate the need to pump, making them an ideal upgrade from traditional pump sprayers.

Why use a battery sprayer

If you spray fertilizer or herbicides regularly, a battery sprayer is a handy tool to keep around your home or business. Upgrading your manual pump sprayer to a battery-powered sprayer doesn’t require significant investment and can make spraying for your home or business fast and efficient.  

Here are Solo’s best battery powered sprayers for non-professionals and professionals:

Home & Garden

460-Li Battery Powered Sprayer, 1-Liter

Solo’s 460-Li is equipped with a 3.7V lithium-ion battery and is a handy helper for your home and garden.  With a quick 90-minute charging time and 60-minute battery life, the 460-Li makes spraying fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides over small areas fast and easy. Perfect for misting houseplants, spraying small gardens, spot spraying weeds.

441 Battery-Operated Backpack Sprayer, 4-Gallon.

Solo’s 441 is a four-gallon battery-powered sprayer with an 11V lithium-ion battery designed for medium-to-large spraying jobs at home or on the job. Users can spray without the need to pump for various jobs, including general spraying, weed control, and gardening.


416-Li Battery-operated Backpack Sprayer, 5 Gallon

The 416-Li is a battery-powered back sprayer designed for the professional user. With features to enhance efficiency and comfort, the 416-Li is ideal for spraying in enclosed spaces such as greenhouses and office buildings. The 416-Li boasts an impressive spray performance with a 11V lithium-ion battery, quick charge time, and is perfect for large or extended spraying applications. 

417-Li Battery-operated Backpack Sprayer, 4.5 Gallon

Solo’s 417-Li battery-powered backpack sprayer offers features to enhance efficiency and comfort with a powerful 11V lithium-ion battery. The 417-Li is ideal for spraying in enclosed space or extended spraying applications.