Just thought I’d thank you all for providing me a “Quality” backpack sprayer back in March, 2012.

I’ve used it for many, many hours. I’ve always flushed the unit with hot soapy water and kept up with maintenance. Well, yesterday the diaphragm developed a pin hole and started to leak, only while rapidly pumping. I was able to complete my job and ordered a genuine Solo repair kit.

I consider this sprayer to be one of the best investments I’ve ever made. My Dad had an old vertical pump steel sprayer. I cannot remember the name of the company who made it. I just know he always flushed it out with hot soapy water and  never had any problems even when applying the good old discontinued chemicals like Chlordane, and all the rest of the insecticides from Chevron/Ortho that have been discontinued. My Dad was an avid grower of all plants and used his heavy tank sprayer religiously. He even had a real long brass extension used for spraying his fruit trees.

AND speaking of quality, I attached 2 certified uses in advertising years ago. You know it’s the “real deal” by the ancient telephone number and prehistoric 2 digit zip code. I found this old yellowed document taped to a wall on my late Uncle John’s workshop. Drop lite was an American manufacturer of mechanics’ 120 volt trouble lights used for working on cars…I know.

“Quality Solo backpack sprayers at a fair price” sounds real good to me. Thanks again!