COVID-19 has repositioned the way we think about infection control.
Advanced medical technology has shielded modern society from the harsh reality of a global pandemic until now. COVID-19 has disrupted daily life on a scale that many have never experienced. The underpinnings of our modern societies, the infrastructures that we’ve so carefully constructed and maintained, are under immense pressure.
There is no vaccine. There is no shot available to make the threat of COVID-19 disappear and make life return to normal. Prevention is the only way to flatten the curve.
To stop the spread of COVID-19, governments across the globe have implemented stay-at-home orders. A person can spread COVID-19 before showing symptoms, and even without ever developing symptoms.
The insidious way that COVID-19 spreads makes it difficult to control. If testing isn’t widely available, the only effective way to control the spread of the virus is to stay home. Unfortunately, not everyone has that luxury. Healthcare workers, grocery store employees, gas station employees, truck drivers, and all those deemed essential must continue to work.
Often, these essential employees deal with the public, and tactics like social distancing aren’t always an option. Along with handwashing and personal protective equipment, proper disinfection is just another step to protect employees.
Businesses have increased infection control efforts to protect both workers and customers, but is it enough?
Example: How Solo is Protecting Its Production Team
Solo Incorporated has implemented stringent cleaning and disinfection measures to protect its production team. As a company that serves an essential industry, the production of sprayers that apply disinfectant in critical facilities, protecting employee health and continuing business is of utmost importance. What we’re doing:
- Encouraging employees to stay home if they feel sick, and especially if they have a fever or cough
- Encouraging frequent handwashing for at least twenty seconds
- Urging employees to cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough
- Practicing social distancing by keeping a minimum of 6 feet apart
- Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces throughout the day
- Providing disinfecting wipes to disinfect frequently touched surfaces.
- Disallowing visitors inside the building until further notice
- Conducting wellness checks to monitor employee health or see if they have recently been in contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19.
Our efforts to protect our employees is extensive but necessary. The disinfection of high-touch surfaces is the focus, as it should be, but is it the only thing to consider? While disinfecting high-touch surfaces is critical, facilities could miss disinfection in places that aren’t often considered.
COVID-19 drive-thru testing sites have popped up all over the United States. Typically housed in parking lots or stadiums or other large outdoor areas, COVID-19 testing sites see more people every day.
The size and scope of drive-thru testing sites make quick disinfection difficult. Trigger or one-hand pump sprayers can quickly disinfect high-touch surfaces indoors, but it might take longer to cover an entire testing site. In outdoor settings, like drive-thru testing sites, a backpack mist blower can mist an extensive area with ease.
Grocery stores have taken extensive measures to protect both employees and customers, such as cleaning and disinfecting carts, as well as limiting how many people can enter a store.
One area that may get overlooked is the loading dock. By the time the items that line grocery store shelves leave their point of origin, dozens of hands have touched them.
Like how COVID-19 testing sites are too big to disinfect quickly with a smaller sprayer, the loading areas of grocery stores require tools that can cover a more extensive area. As a preventative measure, grocery stores can use a backpack mist blower to disinfect loading zones and truck containers.
There are many outdoor spaces where disinfection can make a difference. A backpack mist blower provides quick and efficient outdoor disinfection in critical areas where a healthy workforce is necessary.