The impact of COVID-19 is unprecedented. Daily life has been disrupted, and uncertain times lie ahead.
Solo manufactures products for an essential industry: janitorial sanitation. We provide products that businesses are using to control the spread of COVID-19. Sprayers are critical for infection control, and companies of all sizes and industries rely on Solo’s products for cleaning and disinfecting.
Solo is operating under regular business hours and is continuing to work hard to meet the growing demand for sprayers. Protecting our employees is our top priority. Solo has implemented strict measures to protect employees from COVID-19. Solo plans to:
Clean and disinfect high-traffic areas
Frequented areas such as breakrooms and restrooms are all being treated daily with medical-grade disinfectants such as, Envirocleanse (see info below), Clorox and Lysol wipes, aerosol sprays, and other EPA approved chemicals that are effective against the coronavirus.
Encourage frequent handwashing
Solo has placed hand sanitizer throughout the office for use throughout the day. Employees are also encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water frequently.
Urge employees to stay home if feeling sick
We are encouraging employees to stay home if they begin to feel unwell or exhibit symptoms of COVID-19.
While we will continue to operate as usual, we will adhere to strict cleaning and disinfecting standards and procedures.
About Envirocleanse A
Kills and Eliminates Coronavirus, H1N1, Hepatitis A, B, C, HIV, E-Coli, Salmonella, and more. Non-Toxic, Non-Hazardous to Humans, Animals, and Plants.
Environcleanse A Active Ingredient
Active ingredient: Hypochlorous Acid………………….0.025%
Hypochlorous acid is the same chemical that our white blood cells produce to fight infections in our body. This is why it is FDA Approved as a medical-grade disinfectant.